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Risk Disclaimer

Trading or using Cryptocurrency analysis tools & software to assist you in trading carries a high level of risk. Only trade with capital you can afford to lose. This is not a solicitation to invest. The information presented in this video is for informational purposes only. One should evaluate their risk tolerance and personal financial situation before trading. This is not financial advice. If ever in doubt, please consult your own personal licensed financial advisor.

Auvoria Prime, Inc. is NOT providing investment advice as all trade opportunity alerts are delivered to all participants uniformly without regard to an individual’s trade objectives, financial condition, or suitability. Unless a user has selected customized alert options privately on their own account to further analyze their own trades. These options are at the full discretion of the user and are not controlled by Auvoria Prime, Inc.

Auvoria Prime, Inc. does not exercise trading authority over your trades. You and you alone exercise discretionary trading authority over every trade.